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What is Coffee?

Coffee is a globally consumed beverage brewed from roasted coffee beans, the seeds derived from the Coffea species of plants. It’s not just a drink but an experience, with rich, diverse flavors and aromas that vary based on origin, roast, and preparation method. Coffee has played a significant role in various cultures worldwide, acting as a staple for morning routines, social gatherings, and artistic endeavors.

Types We Provide:

  • Whole Beans: Suitable for aficionados who prefer to grind their beans just before brewing.
  • Ground Coffee: Pre-ground beans, ready for brewing.
Closeup image of coffee beans on wooden saucer on the table
coffee beans on bags

Our Process

  1. Cultivation: Coffee plants, predominantly of the species Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, are cultivated in tropical climates around the equator, known as the “coffee belt.”

  2. Harvesting: Mature coffee cherries are picked, either by hand for precision or using machines for larger yields.

  3. Processing: The cherries are processed using methods like wet, dry, or honey to extract the beans. This influences the final taste.

  4. Roasting: The beans undergo roasting at varied temperatures, resulting in light, medium, or dark roasts, each with its unique flavor profile.

  5. Grinding: Before brewing, beans are ground to different consistencies, from coarse to fine, suited to the brewing method.

  6. Brewing: Beans or grounds are used to brew coffee using methods like drip, espresso, or French press.

  7. Packaging: Depending on market requirements, coffee is packaged as whole beans, grounds, or in capsules/pods.

Our Coffee Specifications

Main SpeciesCoffea arabica, Coffea canephora (Robusta)
Roast TypesLight, Medium, Dark
Processing MethodsWet, Dry, Honey
PackagingAir-tight containers or black/white jute sacks
Caffeine Content (average)95mg per 8oz cup (varies by roast and preparation)

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